неділя, 2 серпня 2020 р.

Fedora 32 Minimal on the Orange Pi Zero plus.

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Orange Pi Zero plus can be configured for use as a wifi router or webcam as a NAS or small CCTV server. For him, there are very few images are FreeBSD, NetBSD, openWRT and Armbian. In my opinion, the most adapted Armbian (My respect for its developers). Most ARM-Linux distributions are limited to images for the raspberri-pi and Pine-64 platforms. I was interested in one thing, I will not name it, it is my secret, which is well done in Fedora Linux. I will not describe everything in detail, I will only say that comparing the codes from Kernel.org and the Armbian repository, the difference was crazy, about 6,000 files differed. Therefore, it was not possible for me to view all this and I limited myself to what is needed for Orange Pi Zero plus. The patches I chose can be found here. The Fedora-32-Minimal disk image I created for Orange Pi Zero plus can be found here.


f593464dd183b808d83c88e3316bd651 *Fedora-Minimal-32-1.6.OrangePiZeroplus.aarch64.raw.xz


39c1ed484d6f9957eb9bdf05efe5441d2a257474e0a2240b8933a0d4262dfe21 *Fedora-Minimal-32-1.6.OrangePiZeroplus.aarch64.raw.xz)

 I added WiFi support and CPU recognition. SELinux enabled and secure boot works perfectly. Rpm packages compiled using% fedpkg local are located in the user's home directory. You can try to run the OS on a disk on other platforms with Allwinner a64, H5, H6 (the boot may not work if the Device Tree is radically different).

(write image: 

% sudo sh -c "xzcat Fedora-Minimal-32-1.6.OrangePiZeroplus.aarch64.raw.xz |dd of=/dev/sdX bs=4M iflag=fullblock oflag=direct status=progress; sync" 

replace sdX with the device name of your SD card) 

The loading lasts about 50 seconds, the indicators do not light up, the end of the loading can be observed on the network card when the Network Manager tries to configure the network. Login via SSH over Ethernet. We find the IP address using nmap (for example: # nmap -sP where instead of you specify the IP of the router of your local network, and instead of 24 the size of the mask of your subnet) login: poltawer (aka root), password: Fedora.

Original Fedora 32 Minimal aarch64 image , kernel package and uboot 

How do I create the disk image ^^^^^^